Resource Storage

Resource storage buildings can be built on any land plot except for those with a Castle or Keep building and, as the name implies, provide a significant amount of storage for the specified resource(s). All resource storage buildings will also contain a relatively small amount of storage space for food resources which will be consumed by the worker cards and for Elixir which can be earned by providing liquidity on the internal market. For buildings that allow the storage of multiple different resources, for example the Metal Silo which can store all different types of ores and metal bars, each unit of each different resource may require different amounts of storage space.

For example, each unit of Iron (the most common ore) stored in a Metal Silo will take far less units of storage space than a unit of Mithril (the rarest ore). Even though Iron may be physically larger than Mithril, the more rare resources may require more specialized storage areas to store them safely which will be represented as requiring more units of storage space. Similarly, refined resources will typically take more storage space than unrefined resources.

All resource storage buildings will require worker cards to operate, as well as a power source or Runi and staked DEC. The amount of resources that can be stored will be affected by the following factors:

  • The production from the worker cards

  • The level of the building

  • Boosts such as Titles, Totems, and Runi

Please note that the rarity of the land plot will NOT affect the amount of storage available from resource storage buildings. For more details on how resource storage works please see the Storage section of this document.



Grain, Elemental Foods


Wood, Lumber

Stone Yard

Stone, Elemental Stones

Metal Silo

Ores, Metal Bars



Seed Bank

Ulana Seeds



Storm Casket

Bottled Storms


Reclaimed Souls

Gloridax Vault


Energy Well

Essences, Elemental Essences

Elixir Vat


Salt Barn


Crystal Cavern

Mana, Time, and Desalinization Crystals

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