Providing Liquidity

Players will be able to provide liquidity to a particular pool from a particular Region by staking an equal dollar amount of a specific resource and DEC tokens into the pool. Please keep in mind that the player will need to have enough storage space in the Region for that resource for the entire time that they have it staked in the liquidity pool. Please see the Storage section for more details on that.

Players can remove liquidity from the pools at any time, in full or partial amounts, at which point both the resource and the DEC tokens will become unlocked and be able to be transferred, sold, or otherwise used as normal. Please keep in mind that the amount of resources and DEC that you will have in the pool will vary over time as players trade back and forth between them. This means that when you withdraw liquidity from a pool you will likely receive different amounts of resources and DEC than you put in. This is typically referred to as "Impermanent Loss" and is something that we recommend players be familiar with before providing liquidity to the internal markets.

Last updated