
While workers on land will be producing resources constantly over time, the resources will not be made available in a player's account until they are Harvested. Harvesting is very similar to claiming staking rewards for things like SPS. Players will submit an operation to the Hive blockchain indicating they wish to harvest their production, and the system will calculate the amount of resources they have earned since the last harvest, or since production began on that plot, as well as the amount of any input resources that were consumed, and update the player's resource inventory in the Region accordingly.

Harvesting may be done on a plot by plot basis, or it may also be done at the region level which will harvest the resources from all of the current player's plots within that region simultaneously. A plot can only be harvested after at least 24 hours have passed from when production first began or from the last time the plot was harvested. Additionally, plots will stop producing resources if they have not been harvested for over 7 days. This means that any resources not harvested within 7 days will be lost (or really they will have never been produced in the first place).

When a plot is Harvested, the harvesting process will deduct the amount of input resources used from the player's inventory in that Region based on the time that has elapsed since either the last Harvest or when production began. This will also free up the storage space taken up by those resources.

The harvesting process will then determine the amount of output resources produced based on the amount and type of input resources provided, the worker cards used, the type and level of building on the plot, and the amount of time that has passed since the start of production or the last Harvest, and add those resources to the player's resource inventory for the current Region. Taxes will also be deducted from the final output amount as part of the Harvest calculations.

If a player does not provide enough input resources for the amount of time until they Harvest, then the amount of output resources from the Harvest will be limited by the amount of input resources provided. For example, take a Sawmill building that requires 10 Food and 5 Wood to produce 7 Planks per hour. If the player provides 500 Food and 100 Wood when production begins, and then harvests after 24 hours, they only provided enough Wood for 20 hours of production (100 Wood input / 5 needed per hour = 20 hours). This means the player would only receive 140 Planks as output (not counting Taxes and other things) when they harvest after 24 hours instead of the 168 Planks they would have received if they had provided more Wood.

Players will also have the option to provide more input resources for a plot at the time that they Harvest. The Harvest will take place before the additional input resources are added to ensure that players cannot add more resources at the end right before they harvest to make up for not adding enough initially, but this will allow players to continue to provide input resources to keep production going on a plot indefinitely.

Finally, players will also have the option to stop production on a plot at any time after at least 24 hours have passed since production started or the last harvest, which will trigger a final Harvest. Once production is stopped, any unused input resources will become unlocked and will once again be available to be sold, transferred, or otherwise used by the player, and the DEC required to power the workers on the plot will also become unlocked and available to be unstaked from the Region or be used to power other workers.


Any time a change is made to a plot that affects the amount of PP generation per hour of that plot (staking / unstaking cards, totems, titles, etc) then a harvest will be triggered for that plot automatically. These changes can only be made after at least 24 hours have passed since production began on a plot or since the last time the plot was harvested.

Additionally, if changes are made to the worker cards on a particular plot while production is active, it may require additional staked DEC tokens to be locked in the Region to power them. Or, if fewer or lower level worker cards are put on a plot then some of the locked DEC tokens will become unlocked as fewer are needed to power the workers on that plot going forward.

Last updated