Natural Resources

All land plots, with the exception of those with a Castle or a Keep building, are able to produce a specific kind of natural resource. Each natural resource is listed below along with a description of how it can be used in addition to which types of land plots can produce it.

  • Grain - Produced by Farm buildings and used as food for workers. Can be milled into Elemental Foods which are much more efficient.

    • Terrain Types - Plains, River, Bog, Lake

  • Wood - Produced by Logging Camp buildings and used as a fuel source for resource refining or to create Planks in a Sawmill building for use in building construction and maintenance.

    • Terrain Types - Swamp, Forest, Tundra, Jungle

  • Stone - Produced by Quarry buildings and used to refine into Elemental Stones which are needed for building construction and maintenance.

    • Terrain Types - Desert, Canyon, Hills

  • Ores - There are five different types of ores (listed below) that can be produced by a Mine building. The ores are listed in order of most common to most rare. Higher level Mines have higher chances of finding more rare ores. Ores can be smelted into metal bars in a Foundry building which can then be used in building construction and maintenance.

    • Terrain Types - Mountain, Badlands, Caldera

    • Ore Types (in order of rarity) - Iron, Aluminum, Copper, Titanium, Mithril

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