Clearing Plots

Before any buildings are built or any production can start, land plots need to first be cleared. Clearing the land is a construction project that the worker cards assigned to the land plot will perform. Plots with Castles or Keeps will not need to be cleared, and production can begin right away on these plots. Please note that plots cleared in phase 1.5 will remain cleared in all future phases and will not need to be cleared again.

Clearing plots, as with all construction projects, will require a certain amount of Production to complete. The time required to complete a construction project will simply be the total Production required divided by the Production generated per hour by the worker cards. As a reminder, production boosts do not count towards construction projects, so only the base production of the workers will be counted and the 100k base production limit still applies.

Higher rarity land plots and magical/occupied plots will require more Production to clear. The amount of Production required to clear different types of land plots are shown in the following table:


















Using the numbers above in conjunction with the Production contribution examples for different sets of worker cards we can calculate how long clearing different types of land plots will take with various different worker cards.

In the first example, the 5 cards working on the land plot generated 29,500 base Production per hour (boosts do not apply to construction projects) so that means that it would take those cards ~71 hours to clear an Epic, Natural land plot: 2.1M Production to clear / 29,500 Production per hour = 71.19 hours (~3 days).

In the second example, the 5 cards working on the land plot generated 5,000 base Production per hour, which means that it would take those cards 420 hours to clear the same Epic, Natural land plot used in the calculation above: 2.1M Production to clear / 5000 Production per hour = 420 hours (17.5 days).

Once again, the older / rarer cards will clear plots significantly faster than more common, newer cards, and will be necessary to clear the higher rarity magical and occupied land plots in a reasonable amount of time. Please keep in mind that cards can be moved between land plots with a 3-day "travel" time, so it is possible for a small group of high production cards to be used to clear multiple land plots by moving them around, though it will be much slower than having more of those cards available to clear plots in parallel.

Please keep in mind that Food will also be required for workers to be able to clear land plots. Please see the Food section for more details.

Alternatively, players may choose to use Time Crystal tokens to reduce (either partially or completely) the amount of Production needed to clear their land plot, in which case less or no Food will be needed. Please see the Time Crystals section for more details.

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