Transportation & Bridging

Everything within the land expansion will be managed on a Region by Region basis. In phase 1.5, this means that Grain that is harvested in a particular Region will be available to be used only in that same Region. If a player owns plots in different Regions and they want to transfer Grain between one region and another, or if they want to transfer Grain to another player (regardless of the Region), they must use the Transportation system.

Transporting Grain (the only resource available for transport in phase 1.5) will require a 12.5% fee which will be taken out of the total Grain received by the recipient and that Grain will be burned. In phase 1.5 the transportation will happen instantly, however this may change in phase 2 as a more robust transportation system is built out.

Additionally, ships will be available to transport the Grain out of Praetoria entirely and off to other worlds such as Hive Engine. In this case a 15% fee will be charged and will be deducted from the amount of Grain received on the external platform. The fee will only apply for transfers out to external platforms and there will be no fee for inbound transfers. Transfers to or from external platforms will also be instant (or as quickly as the bridge can process them) and all fees collected will be burned. The fee is purposely higher for transfers to external platforms to encourage the use of the internal market as much as possible.

As noted in the Internal Markets section above, the fees for transportation and bridging will be able to be reduced in future land phases by upgrading the infrastructure available within each region.

Last updated